3rd & 4th 5S Audit session

On 10 September 2019, 5'S Competition of 3rd and 4th Audit wad held at Rovski Sdn Bhd.

There are 3 zones participate in this audit:

1. Logistic
2. Office
3. Production

The best group that fulfil 5S in their respective zone are received a hamper from Rovski's Managing Director, Goh Xin Yuen.

The winner of 5'S Competition of 3rd and 4th Audit according to their zone (from left to right):

1. Logistic - Group CRV (Place: Material Line 2)
2. Office - Group Vios (Place: QA Lab)
3. Production - Group Fortuner (Place: Ultraseal and Line 2) 

Sep 11,2019